Revision of MRLs in foods for 6 substances, and establishment of MRLs for 1 substance
Addition of Anacardic acid to the exempted substances, which have no potential to cause damage to human health, under the Positive List System.
Revision of MRLs in foods for 15 substances, and establishment of MRLs for 1 substance
Addition of "BLAD, Aqueous extract from the geminated seeds of sweet Lupinus albus" to the exempted substances, which have no potential to cause damage to human health, under the Positive List System.
Amendment of "Specifications and Standards for Foods, Food Additives, etc. " under the Food Sanitation Act
Survey on the sales situation of some additives for the preparation of candidate additives for deletion from "the Existing Additives List" and survey on an existing additive "5'-Deaminase"
Revision of "the 2nd edition of Method for the Analysis of Food Additives in Foods"
Amendment of "Specifications and Standards for Foods, Food Additives, etc." under the Food Sanitation Act
Revision of MRLs in food for 10 substances, and establishment of MRLs for 2 substances
Public notice of the List of scheduled deletion of the existing additives and procedures for requesting corrections
The Japan Food Chemical Research Foundation / Research Reports
Revision of the List of Essence of 18 kinds
Deletion of 3,6-dimethyl-5,6,7,7a-tetrahydro-2(4H)-benzofuranone from the List of Essence of 18 kinds
Release of the Validation Guidelines for Food Additive Analytical Methods and revision of the 2nd edition of Method for the Analysis of Food Additives in Foods
Release of FAQs on the Validation Guidelines for Food Additive Analytical Methods
Polyvinyl Alcohol has been designated as a food additive and its specifications have been established.
Revision of MRLs in food for 9 substances
Addition of "Cinnamaldehyde" to the exempted substances, which have no potential to cause damage to human health, under the Positive List System, which replaces "Cinnamic aldehyde".
Revision of MRLs in food for 6 substances, and establishment of MRLs for 3 substances
Revision of MRLs in food for 5 substances, establishment of MRLs for 1 substance, and deletion of MRLs in food for 2 substances
Addition of "Bismuth subnitrate" to the exempted substances, which have no potential to cause damage to human health, under the Positive List System